Work Life Balkance Survey | Greg Elsey

Greg Elsey

Thank you for clicking through to my survey. I am most grateful. The survey is completely anonymous, unless you choose to provide your details.

I'm currently developing a new program to help business owners, managers and other professionals, in their day to day life, cope with stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and their work-life balance. I would love to learn and understand your challenges more deeply, so I can provide the best support.

The survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Once I've collected the numbers needed, I'm happy to share the results with you, & offer you a gift in appreciation of your time. Just add your name and email address at the end of the survey (this is optional).

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and contact me.

Thank you for your assistance

Click next to start the survey.

What age group are you in?

What is your Gender?

Are you …

How many children are living at home with you?

What do you do for work/what’s your job title?

What is your Employment type?

Take a moment to think honestly about your wellbeing in your day-to-day life right now. Do you FEEL any of the following?

Select all that apply

How satisfied are you with your current work/life balance?

What are your 3 biggest challenges when it comes to your work/life balance?

How have these challenges affected your health, work, & personal relationships?

Select all that apply

What are your biggest frustrations when it comes to improving your work/life balance?

Select all that apply

How have you tried to solve these challenges in the past? Which of the following have you tried and were disappointed, experienced no positive results or changes in your life, or even felt worse?

Select all that apply

What are your 3 top life goals/outcomes?

Please note that name and email address are optional, and only needed if you would like a copy of the results and the free gift, which is my way of thanking you for your time and completing this survey.

Name for the survey results:

Email address for the survey results:


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